meeting of Parent-Teacher-Association of Infant Jesus School
at Chikmagalur, was held on the 3rd of
July, 2100 at 10.30 a.m. Mr. Joseph Rodricks, the ex-joint
Director of Public Instructions, Bangalore, was the resource
person. He explained to the parents about their role in
educating theirs children in the proper way by collaborating
with the staff in the school. He stressed the need of
parents to be more responsible in educating child and not to
depend totally on the teachers. Fr. Chetan Leo Lobo, OFM
Cap., the secretary of Capuchin Education Board in Karnataka
requested the parents to join hands with the school
authorities and make use of the infrastructure provided in
the school. Mr. Girish Bidari, the regional director of
Smart Class (Educomp) education briefed the gathering the
salient features of this programme. Mr. Girish, the
director of Taekwondo gave a birds view about the Taekwondo
and requested the parents to join their wards. Bro. Victor
Crasta, OFM Cap., the principal of the school explained the
rules and regulations mentioned in the school prospectus and
calendar. He also conducted the election for Parents’
Association. The newly elected members are :- Mr. Amar
D’Souza – president, Mr. Panchakshari M S – vice-president,
Mrs. Gracy Lobo – Secretary, Mrs. Nagaratna M – Treasurer,
Mr. Shivadasan S – Member, Mr. Munnavar Ahmed – Member, Mr.
Raghavendra N – Member. More than 400 parents took part in
the meeting which was compered by Mrs. Pushpalatha H P. The
school has classes from LKG to Std. V and the total strength
of the school is 551 students together with 23 staff