Elections 2014-15 @ Infant Jesus School
People can come up in life and show their ability only when they are given a chance. Keeping this in mind our institute has given a chance to the students to work in a leadership as as SPL and DSPL along with 10 ministers. Speech was given by the candidates to be elected on 13th June and on 14th June elections were held. Our principal, vice principal, teaching and non-teaching staffs and students of 4th to 8th had participated in this voting and the names of elected candidates was announced on 16th June by a chief guest Fr. Lancy Lobo vice principal of a school in Lucknow. Nischith of 8th as SPL and Nesara of 8th as DSPL were elected. Finally oathing programme was held on 17th June afternoon in which all the responsibilities were submitted by the outgoing SPL to incoming SPL . Later 10 ministers name were announced for different purpose. And old SPL and DSPL were elected as opposition leaders. Best wishes were conveyed to all.