Independence Day
Celebration at Infant Jesus School:-
August 15th is a memorable day to every Indian
citizen and to mark this occasion every institution holds
some function or the other. Infant Jesus School at
Chikmagalur took extra trouble to make this day a grand
success and a memorable one to all. All the 546 students
with their parents gathered at 8 a.m. to hoist the flag by
Mr. Jalendra, the president of Mugthihalli Panchayath. There
followed the march past and colourful demos by the
students. The chief guest Mr. Jalendra gave the
Independence Day message and expressed his desire and felt
proud to see such an institution coming up in his area. Bro.
Victor Crasta, OFM Cap., the principal of the school in his
speech invited every Indian to preserve the land clean and
green as suggested by the Education Department. Various
cultural items by the students kept the audience cheerful.
Mr. Amar D’Souza, the president of the PTA, Fr. Lawrence
Sequeira, the vice principal were on the dais. Miss Namitha
D’Souza, one of the teachers welcomed the gathering and Mr.
Poornachandra proposed the vote of thanks. Mrs. Padmavathi
compered the entire programme. Sweets were sponsored to all
participants by the office bearers of parent-teacher