Inauguration of the NEW ACADEMIC YEAR at Infant Jesus School

“People often say motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why often many recommend it daily. By motivating the mind daily, on 09/06/2014 we all had stepped into the 10th New Academic Year of Infant Jesus School 2014-15, by all the priests and staffs worked & working here. Miss. Pramila as MC began the programme by inviting the guests, Fr. Sunil Barva who is parish priest in one of the parish in Orissa, Fr. John Joseph ex-provincial of fidelis province. Fr. Dancy Martis, Principal of Infant Jesus School, Fr. Lancy Rebello and Fr. Deepak Rayappa for the programme. A prayer song was sung by all students and lamps were lit by the guests. Mrs. Geetha welcomed the guest along with Fr. Dancy with garlands. Fr. Dancy Martis introduced all the new staffs and welcomed them whole heartedly Fr. Sunil Barva, Fr. Joseph and also Fr. Dancy gave a beautiful and guiding message to everyone about the students and teachers. Finally vote of thanks was done by Mrs. Asha Serrao and School Anthem was sung and sweets were distributed to the children and staffs as a mark of joy.